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Salam Doploh Doploh TiGa. Owner Blog Kejap Ade. Kejap Takde.

06 April, 2011

.::rebus telur dlm air kencing,nak rasa?::.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله....
yerrkkkk..ape sajelah makan “peberet’ dorang ni..kalo minum air kencing sendiri tu..bole la diterima pakai..ada fakta sains mengatakan miNuM air kencing (sendiri punyala).bole menghilangkan/mencegah penyakit jantung/mengubati penyakit jantung..

yg ni puloks sisa air kencing dari budak2 lelaki..yewwww...

tgk la..jgn termuntah sudah ye..

Eggs Boiled in Urine

In the world there are so many unusual foods..
that you do not even want to try...
For example, these eggs are called Tuntszydan, cooked in the urine of boys.
This dish is very popular in the Chinese province of Zhejiang.
Each spring, the producers of such eggs put in the local schools special buckets.
All the boys under 10 years should go to the toilet in the little in them.
Then they take a bucket and boil their eggs.
The main thing to remember is slightly beat the eggs to soak them in "brine".
The air is the smell of urine, which locals call aroma of spring ...
The eggs go for 23 cents a thing, like hotcakes.
Locals sweep off the shelves all the eggs that are in stock.
Some eat up to ten of these eggs a day ...
You would have dared try something like this?

tuuu dia ramuan istimewa.

cuci2 service

rendaman "berkhasiat"

selera nk mkn??

notacmot~yawww......~~x kuase mak...wekk..wekk..