بِسْـــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Semoga Senantiasa Berada didalam lindungan Dan rahmat allah yg maha esa hendaknya...
Salam Selasa..

Kpd sahabat2 sy yg baik hati & berkemampuan..sudilah kiranya menghulurkan sedikit sumbangan kpd #AdikArshad. besar @ kecik nilainya hnya allah yg dpt membalasnya.. Semoga adik arshad cepat sembuh.


Here’s the story for Arshad Imanshah Bin
Antashah, the son of Antashah Mohd Nor and Norhafidzah Safri also a little
brother to Rania Imelda Binti Antashah
Born on 25 March 2013 weight at 2.67kg in University Malaya Medical Centre.
Day 3 of life, Arshad had been diagnose for jaundice.. normal for babies as he was also a premature baby that was born at 35weeks. After 30 days, he was still with jaundice and doctor advise as a prolonged jaundice that willl disolve by 3 months or earlier.
Days goes by, he was still jaundice at day 40 of life. With numerous followup to the hospitals, an ultrasound was scheduled to confirm that all is normal and he is just having prolonged jaundice. However, something else was discovered. His bilirubin – count for jaundice was still high and from the ultrasound, the gallblader was too small. This caused the bilirubin was not been process directly to his intestine that caused jaundice, swallon at his right of his stomach which is the liver.He has been diagnose as Biliary Atresia stage 3 and the solution for this will be a Kasai procedure. Kasai operation has been scheduled on 6 June 2013 at the age 2 and a half months.
Recently checkup and hospitalization, at the age 13months his liver condition has not been improving much and special infant milks and care is needed for him. Specialist team from University Malaya Medical Centre has refered Arshad to NUH Singapore and a liver transplant is needed as soon as possible.
As Arshad parents, we would want to give the best for him and we would like to seek your kindness in donating any amount for us to have the liver transplant. Here's the estimate cost breakdown after been briefed by the transplant coordinator in Singapore.
Below are the liver transplant cost given by the NUHS:
Liver assesment before transplant: 15-20k Sing dolar
Liver transplant: 200k Sing dolar
Followup post transplant: 2k Sing dolar
Born on 25 March 2013 weight at 2.67kg in University Malaya Medical Centre.
Day 3 of life, Arshad had been diagnose for jaundice.. normal for babies as he was also a premature baby that was born at 35weeks. After 30 days, he was still with jaundice and doctor advise as a prolonged jaundice that willl disolve by 3 months or earlier.
Days goes by, he was still jaundice at day 40 of life. With numerous followup to the hospitals, an ultrasound was scheduled to confirm that all is normal and he is just having prolonged jaundice. However, something else was discovered. His bilirubin – count for jaundice was still high and from the ultrasound, the gallblader was too small. This caused the bilirubin was not been process directly to his intestine that caused jaundice, swallon at his right of his stomach which is the liver.He has been diagnose as Biliary Atresia stage 3 and the solution for this will be a Kasai procedure. Kasai operation has been scheduled on 6 June 2013 at the age 2 and a half months.
Recently checkup and hospitalization, at the age 13months his liver condition has not been improving much and special infant milks and care is needed for him. Specialist team from University Malaya Medical Centre has refered Arshad to NUH Singapore and a liver transplant is needed as soon as possible.
As Arshad parents, we would want to give the best for him and we would like to seek your kindness in donating any amount for us to have the liver transplant. Here's the estimate cost breakdown after been briefed by the transplant coordinator in Singapore.
Below are the liver transplant cost given by the NUHS:
Liver assesment before transplant: 15-20k Sing dolar
Liver transplant: 200k Sing dolar
Followup post transplant: 2k Sing dolar
Maybank acc num: 5628 4350 6388
Account holder name: Antashah Mohd Nor (Father of Arshad Imanshah)
Email: imanimalda@gmail.com
Arshad Imanshah bin Antashah dilahirkan sempurna sifatnya pada tanggal 23 Mac 2013 dan diharapkan agar menjadi anak yang soleh serta pemimpin keluarga apabila dewasa kelak.
Account holder name: Antashah Mohd Nor (Father of Arshad Imanshah)
Email: imanimalda@gmail.com
Arshad Imanshah bin Antashah dilahirkan sempurna sifatnya pada tanggal 23 Mac 2013 dan diharapkan agar menjadi anak yang soleh serta pemimpin keluarga apabila dewasa kelak.
Kegembiraan menyambut kelahiran Arshad ke dunia
diuji dengan demam kuning yang berlanjutan. Arshad Imanshah disahkan menghadapi
Biliary Atresia tahap 3 atau barah hati ketika usianya 2 setengah bulan. Arshad
dinasihatkan oleh pakar perubatan PPUM untuk menjalani pembedahan bagi membuang
hempedu tersumbat yang mengakibatkan Arshad mengalami komplikasi pada hati.
Alhamdulilah pembedahan berjaya dan Arshad kembali ceria.
Namun, setelah 10 bulan selepas pembedahan Kasai,
fizikal Arshad masih tetap kuning dan kesihatan hatinya semakin merosot. Arshad
kerap dimasukkan ke hospital untuk tempoh yang lama kerana mudah terkena
jangkitan kuman pada hatinya. Arshad mendapat rawatan dari Pusat Perubatan
Universiti Malaya dan pakar mencadangkan untuk menjalani pembedahan pemindahan
hati di Singapura bagi membolehkan Arshad untuk meneruskan kehidupan.
Namun sedemikian, kos pembedahan pemindahan hati
Arshad dan rawatan susulan memakan belanja yang amat mahal. Berikut adalah
rumusan anggaran kos:
Pemeriksaan sebelum pemindahan hati: 15-20k Sing dolar
Pemindahan hati: 200k Sing dolar
Rawatan susulan sebulan: 2k Sing dolar
Dengan rasa rendah hati, semoga anda dapat membantu sebanyak mungkin agar Arshad Imanshah dapat menjalani pembedahan pemindahan hati dan diberi kekuatan untuk berjuang dalam meneruskan hidup. Secebis hati merintih untuk diselamatkan.
Pemeriksaan sebelum pemindahan hati: 15-20k Sing dolar
Pemindahan hati: 200k Sing dolar
Rawatan susulan sebulan: 2k Sing dolar
Dengan rasa rendah hati, semoga anda dapat membantu sebanyak mungkin agar Arshad Imanshah dapat menjalani pembedahan pemindahan hati dan diberi kekuatan untuk berjuang dalam meneruskan hidup. Secebis hati merintih untuk diselamatkan.
No. Akaun Maybank: 5628 4350 6388
Nama Pemilik Akaun: Antashah Mohd Nor (Bapa Arshad Imanshah)
No. Akaun Maybank: 5628 4350 6388
Nama Pemilik Akaun: Antashah Mohd Nor (Bapa Arshad Imanshah)
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