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Salam Doploh Doploh TiGa. Owner Blog Kejap Ade. Kejap Takde.

03 October, 2011

:. Adidas King of the Road 2011 (KOTR):.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله....
Selamat pagi...
Hye readers..semoga kalian semua berada dalam rahmat dan lindungan allah selalu..

Semalam (ahad) berlansungnye larian Adidas King of the Road (KOTR).
Sbnrnye,cma pun x perasan ngan larian ni..tp ade jugak ternampak bunting /banner yg dorang  (IJM) lekatkan di sepanjang tol NPE..bru perasan coz semlm mase nk g keja jalan sepanjang laluan NPE ditutup..meraban la kejap nk cari jalan altenatif lain..hehehe..mne xnye..cma pengguna setia NPE if nk g ke tempat keje..

Xpelah..xmo citer byk..meh nk share ckit pic2 yg diambil dr FB Adidas KOTR nie..

Adidas King of the Road 2011 is a running championship held across 5 countries
- Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines.

Each country is a qualifying leg towards the finals, which will be held in the Philippines on 23rd October 2011. The winner of the Men Close and Women Close 16.8km Category will win an all-expenses paid trip to the Philippines to compete with the best of the best in Southeast Asia.

The crowning of the adidas King of the Road Southeast Asia 2011
Only citizens or PRs are eligible for the championship title of the King of the Road for Southeast Asia. Foreigners are welcomed to take part and compete for the prizes offered but not the title.

Race Distance
The championship race distance is 16.8km or 10km. You will be able to complete 2 marathons (84km) over 5 countries with adidas KOTR 2011.

~early birds~

~memulakan larian~

~10 km runners begins~

~16.8km runners begins~
~pemenang utk kategori lelaki~

~naib juara utk kategori lelaki~

~naib juara utk kategori perempuan~

~juara utk kategori perempuan~
~classmate cma yg suka masuk acara larian ni..en hussin~

~no adidasnye..hehehe..~
*tahniah utk semua pemenang!

 Notacmot~teringin nk masuk larian cam ni..tp apekan daya..hahaha..x terdayo den ha :p ~
:mOnday bLues gang... :)