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Salam Doploh Doploh TiGa. Owner Blog Kejap Ade. Kejap Takde.

29 July, 2011

.:ucapan jaZAKALLAH...haruslah..di ikuti dgn..:.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله.... 

hye readers...semoga kalian semua sentiasa berada dlm rahmat dan dilindungi allah selalu...
cma dpt email..jom kite share...=D..

kite speakang london hokayy...

For today's entry, let me share with you something related with arabic greeting that some of us overlooked in using it.
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When did we use the phrase of JAZAKALLAHU KHAIRAN جَزَاكَ اللهُ خَيْرًا ?

This is a statement of thanks and appreciation to be said to person who does a favor. Instead of saying SHUKRAN (thanks), this phrase is used.

Is there any difference between the phrase of jazakallah and jazakallahu khairan?

Believe it or not, by saying jazakallah solely it can be categorized as an incomplete phrase.

So let us complete the phrase by saying JAZAKALLAHU KHAIRAN because....

-JAZAKALLAH means 'may allah reward you'. Thus, Allah can reward with something good or bad.
-KHAIRAN means 'good'.

So by uttering jazakallahu khairan, the meaning is being complete. It means 'may Allah reward you with good '

If you heard the phrase is said to you, you can reply:
وَإِيَّاكُم  means 'and to you too'.

Remember my dear friends, don't just say jazakallah but please complete the phrase by saying jazakallahu khairan :).
جَزَاكُم اللهُ خَيْرَ الجَزَاءِ عَلَى مُرُورِكُم الرَّائِع الذِّي عَطَرَ صَفْحَتِي وَتَفَاعُلِكُم الحُلُو

notacmot~sharing is caring...u share i care!