28 May, 2011

.::BaHaYa MenTOs & cOca cOLa::.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله....  
Selamat ptg readers...semoga kalian semua sentiasa berada dlm rahmat dan dilindungi allah selalu...
ptg yg agak suam2 kuku..xde modal nak bercerita..layan ajer la...

Meh cma nk kongsi beberapa gambar..Cma pasti,ramai yg dah tahu psl ni kan…yg mana yg xtaw lagi..moh le kitE tgk..ape jadi kalau kunyah mentos sambil minum air gas (coca-cola) serentak..

A little boy died in Brazil after eating MENTOS and drinking Coca-Cola / PEPSI together. One year before ,the same accident happened with another boy in Brazil. Please check the experiment that has been done by mixingm Coca-Cola (or Coca-Cola Lightwith MENTOS .So be careful with your self eating MENTOS (POLO's) and drinking COCA-COLA or PEPSI together.


notacmot~yewww..sib bek cma bukan penggemar coca cola @ air yg bergas2 ni..tp..mestos tu ye…nk pulak yg tutti fruity tu..